We know breath is essential, but did you know just how powerful it can be? Not only is it this vital mechanism to provide us with oxygen. Depending on how we breathe, we can consciously calm ourselves or stimulate alertness.
A growing number of studies show the link breath, brain, and health. Yogis and other ancient Eastern traditions have used this to maintain physical health, mental clarity and even achieve higher states of consciousness.
Breathwork is essential in our practice at Satori. Some reasons why:
Improves immunity and longevity - a healthy circulation of oxygen throughout the body helps to keep our cells, organs, tissues to function well. It also improves proper excretion of metabolic waste (ie carbon dioxide).
Heightens mental clarity and energy - focusing on your breath removes attention from distractions and too much thoughts. Proper inspiration of oxygen also increases energy naturally (compare it with the artificial stimulation of caffeine!)
Stimulates relaxation and calmness - deep breathing, emphasizing longer exhales, stimulates our rest and digest system or parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), highly effective to counter stress
These are just 3 of MANY! More on this later. And best of all, it’s accessible, within our control, and doesn’t cost anything.
Further reading:
What focusing on breath does to your brain: https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_focusing_on_the_breath_does_to_your_brain
Science of Breathing: https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/Breathing.html
Breathing exercises: https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/wellness/breathing-exercises